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The Imbirikani Girls High School began in 2004 as a result of a study commissioned by Clyde and Betsy Jackson from Dallas, Texas to investigate the educational needs of Maasai and other tribal children living in the Imbirikani Group Ranch and the adjacent region in the Southwest area of Kenya. The result of the study verified that about 98% of the girls in this area do not have educational opportunities past the Primary Schools (usually ages 6 years to 14 years). Therefore, most of these young women enter into early marriages at 14 or 15 years of age and are subjected to a life of child bearing, hard physical labor and many times gentile mutilation by custom. With the promise of continuing education, these girls can have a hope for a more promising future.

The Imbirikani Group Ranch Managing Committee agreed to a 99 year lease on a parcel of 50 acres for the purpose of building a secondary school for these girls. The first phase of the school, which consisted of dormitory space, classrooms, teacher’s houses, a kitchen and other related facilities, was completed in early 2006. The school is operated by the Presbyterian Church of East Africa (PCEA). Over the past years, additional dormitories, dining hall, kitchens and additional classrooms have been added to the campus. In 2008, guest rooms were added for accommodations for mission teams from Highland Park Presbyterian Church. Also, a multi-purpose building was added that includes a large dining hall/assembly area and a university-level computer lab and science building which contribute to making the Imbirikani Girls High School an excellent college-preparatory secondary school. The school now has a capacity of 400 students plus related staff.

A mission team consisting of 15-20 members has gone to the campus in Kenya for the past 10 years to conduct programs that consist of Vacation Bible School for 200-300 young children each year, a Christian Growth Seminar to train Pastors and Elders in the region. In addition the teams have built 7 churches in the area, three primary schools and ultimately touch over 2,500 people in the area each year. We expect this work to continue as the needs arise in the area.


What initially started with only 40 girls as students has grown to accommodate over 700 students attending the three Primary Schools and the Imbirikani High School. To learn more about these initiatives please watch the video on the right and explore the web site and contact Berk Kalman at for more information.


The  Neema-Huruma Foundation provides funding for a) Academic Education for young women in the Imbirikani area of Kenya b) practical and theological training for Indigenous Pastors and Elders, c) building churches in Kenya d) providing trade school education for young people in the area in the future.

© Neema Huruma Foundation

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